
                    In light of recent reports of the increase in Covid-19 Delta variant cases, the FAOG conference planning committees
        want to assure everyone that we continue to monitor ongoing Covid-19 related updates at local, state and
federal levels. Also, we have been staying in contact with The Peabody Memphis staff to ensure safety precautions
are in place for conference attendees. Additional information from The Peabody Memphis regarding their
Covid-19 precautions can be found


          At this time, the 2021 FAOG Conference in Memphis will take place in-person as planned. Recent guidance
           from the CDC in response to the Delta variant recommends that masks should be worn in public settings.
  For the latest
             CDC Updates
click here
. We ask for everyone’s safety, if you are not feeling well prior to the conference, that you please
                            stay home. We look forward to seeing you and our conference sponsors September 12 through September 15 in Memphis!
Until then, please stay safe


Click on any of the day's below and it will take you directly to that particular day's sessions.
Sunday, September 12
Monday, September 13    
Tuesday, September 14        
Wednesday, September 15                                                                              
                                                                                       Click Here for Printable Version of the Agenda

Sunday- September 12, 2021
1:00pm - 5:00pm 

Welcome to the Community Foundation World - Venetian Ballroom

Session Lead
Alyssa Federico,
SVP of Finance, Foundation for the Carolinas
Session Speakers

Brett Hunkins, CFO Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Alyssa Federico, Senior Vice President of Finance, Foundation for the Carolinas

Session is designed to introduce newcomers to the community foundation field.  Session includes background on community foundations, introduction to industry partners, and an overview of FAOG and its role in supporting the field. CPE Credit Pending.

Tech Vendor Demos and Discussions - Forest Room
Based on feedback from the 2019 conference, we are providing an opportunity for our sponsors to join us on Sunday afternoon from 1-5pm for a demo and discussion time with attendees.  Our conference team has secured space for vendors to set up and offer a more in depth look at various tools they have to help support the community foundation field.  Not Eligible for CPE Credit.

10:00am - 5:00pm Registration Opens at the Memphis Peabody Hotel - East Mezzanine - 1 floor up from lobby
Stop by to pick up your name badge and gift bag

6:00pm - 9:00pm Welcome Dinner at the Top of the Peabody Hotel-Sponsored by Foundant

Come meet your colleagues at our conference kick-off event at the top of our hotel.   Join us for a "Welcome to Memphis" dinner not only in the heart of Blues City, but also on top of Blues City!  
The Peabody Rooftop offers breathtaking views of the Mississippi River and the Memphis skyline and is where we will enjoy dinner and drinks.  
Open to current FAOG community foundation members only

149 Union Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee
Website -

Monday- September 13, 2021

7:00am - 8:00am Breakfast sponsored by Pavilion - Continental Ballroom                                        

8:00am - 8:15am Welcome & Housekeeping - Peabody Grand Ballroom

8:15am - 9:15am Guest Speaker - Terri Freeman, Executive Director, Reginald F. Lewis Museum - Peabody Grand Ballroom

We are excited to welcome Terri Lee Freeman, 2020 Memphian of the Year, to kick off the FAOG Conference. Terri is no stranger to the community foundation world. For 18 years Terri led the Greater Washington Community Foundation as their President and CEO and grew the size of the foundation eightfold. In 2014, she was appointed as the President of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, and is the current chair of the Board of Governors at the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis. Earlier this year, Terri accepted the offer to serve as the Executive Director of the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture. Not Eligible for CPE Credit.

9:15am - 9:30am BREAK
9:30am - 10:45am Small/Medium/Large Community Foundation Peer Group Hot Issue

 Small size funds <$150MM Venetian Ballroom (light green name tags)
 Medium size funds >$150MM - <$400MM - Ballroom E & D (light maroon name tags)
 Large size funds >$400MM -
Peabody Grand Ballroom (yellow and blue name tags)

Join community foundation colleagues of like-size for an open discussion on hot topics.  Share best practices, ask questions, and learn from each other! Not Eligible for CPE Credit.

10:45am - 11:00am BREAK - Refreshments and snacks will be served in the West and North Foyer

11:00am - 12:00pm HR Office of 0.25 (HR/Leadership)Venetian Room
Session Lead
Patrick Lewis
Finance Director, Community
Foundation of Abilene
Jennifer Fulton Anderson, CFO and COO, Community Foundation Boulder County
Dawn Hooper,  VP - Finance & Operations/CFO, Texas Women's Foundation
Cyndi Vara, CFO, Permian Basin Area Foundation
Jen Kokko, District Manager, Insperity

Many community foundations do not have the resources to justify a separate HR department or position; oftentimes the CFO or Finance Director is responsible for HR, Payroll and Benefits Administration, while also being responsible for budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, the audit, tax compliance, investments, and the list goes on and on.  In addition, it is challenging for small employers to compete with the robust benefits packages offered by larger employers. Join your colleagues to learn from a panel of community foundation representatives who have partnered with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to improve the HR, Payroll and Benefits Administration functions of their community foundations.  This session will also include an open discussion where all participants will be invited to ask questions and share ideas. CPE Credit Pending.
11:00am - 12:00pm Alternative for Beginners: A Candid Conversation (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Karen Florez, CFA, Manager of Investments, The Minneapolis Foundation
Karen Florez, CFA, Manager of Investments, The Minneapolis Foundation
Will Thorpe, Chief Marketing and Development Officer, Mason Investment Advisory Services, Inc
Erin Broderick, Senior Finance Manager, The Community Foundation of Northeast Florida

This session is for those who are considering adding alternatives such as hedge funds and private assets to their investment line-up or are in the early stages of building out their allocation to alternative and illiquid assets. We will discuss the merits of using alternatives; whether they are a necessary element in an endowment portfolio and consider the time, effort and resources they require compared to other asset classes. CPE Credit Pending.

11:00am - 12:00pm Tax and Form 990 Update (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead

Tracy Branson, CFO, Orange County Community Foundation

Jane Searing, Managing Director, Deloitte Tax LLP

This session will cover all that is new in the tax exempt world.  We will review the latest guidance surrounding tax reform as well as updates in the Form 990 and 990T. CPE Credit Pending.

12:00pm - 1:00pm LUNCH- Sponsored by Stellar Technology Solutions - Continental Ballroom                         

1:00pm - 2:00pm Powering Up Productivity (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom
Session Lead
Terri Johnson, GIFT Technical Assistance Consultant, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

Lee Kuntz, Certified Process Coach, Founder, Innovation Process Design

Are your foundation staff nearly working around the clock, working remotely, in transition or onsite? Yet is there even more to do? Are employees feeling stressed out? Are they at risk of leaving the foundation? In this professional development session, leaders and individuals will hear and practice three employee productivity best practices. CPE Credit Pending.

1:00pm - 2:00pm Putting More Capital in Your Economy for Impact from Strategy to Implementation, the Nuts and Bolts of Impact Investing (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Janis Holloway, Controller, Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation
Patti Chandler, VP Finance and Administrative, Baltimore Community Foundation
C.J. Carter, VP Investment Support Services, Locus Investing
Jillian Rosen, VP Community Investment, Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation

More and more Community Foundations are interested in implementing an impact investment program but the steps to get started and get your foundation staff and board to sign on seem daunting.  This session will provide you with practical steps and deliverables that will help guide you through the process of board, staff, and community engagement; governance and portfolio structural considerations; creating an investment policy and simple investment solutions to get started; designing a work plan for implementation and accounting; and provide resources for due diligence and outsourcing. CPE Credit Pending.

1:00pm - 2:00pm Options for Business Workflow Management - Using Office 365 Microsoft Power Automate (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Jeff Sauter, Executive Director, Arizona Community Foundation

Alex Holtel, CFO, Community Foundation of Greater Memphis

Ever catch yourself thinking, “if only there were more hours in a day” or, “darn, I forgot to get approval for…”?  Well, this session won’t literally add more hours to a day, but with Microsoft’s Power Automate you can learn how to easily automate workflows/approvals to take back some of your time. CPE Credit Pending.

2:00pm - 2:30pm BREAK

2:30pm - 3:30pm Compensation and Pay Equity Trends and Best Practices (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom
Session Lead

Tracy Branson, CFO, Orange County Community Foundation
Hali Croner, President and CEO, The Croner Company
Sam Syde,  Associate Consultant, The Croner Company

Session will report recent compensation trends overall in the community foundation sector and share best practices in how to incorporate pay equity in compensation plan design and administration. CPE Credit Pending.
2:30pm - 3:30pm Endowment Spending in Times of Unprecedented Needs (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Michelle Nelson, CFO, Community Foundation of Greater Richmond

Ali Bayler, Portfolio Manager, Brown Advisory 
Deborah Kasemeyer, SVP and Director of Community Development & Investment, Northern Trust 
Kathryn Mawer, VP OCIO Advisor, FEG Investment Advisors

What if your organization needs more from your endowment than your spending rate?  Fortunately, there are options to do more in times of need. This panel will share strategies, merits and considerations based on case studies and experience. CPE Credit Pending.

2:30pm - 3:30pm Technology Trends - Cyber Security Best Practices (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Eric Nystrom, Director, Solutions Strategist, CTO, Arizona Community Foundation

Jimmy Buddenberg, Principal, Digital Services Practice Leader, Elliott Davis, LLC
Amanda West, SVP, Deputy Chief Audit Executive, First Horizon Bank
Eric Nystrom, Director, Solutions Strategist, CTO, Arizona Community Foundation

There is likely no organization in the world completely or permanently secure from cyber threats including hacking, phishing, vishing, spamming, ransomware, and simple website defacement.  The session’s presenters will discuss best practices for creating a set of defenses and practices designed to reduce risk to an organization’s systems and data, on an evolving basis, to an acceptable level while maintaining usability for internal staff and external constituents. The goal of cybersecurity is to raise the level of difficulty to penetrate system defenses sufficiently so that cyber-criminals will move on in search of easier targets. CPE Credit Pending

3:30pm - 4:00pm BREAK - Refreshments and snacks will be served in the West and North Foyer

4:00pm-5:00pm FAOG Business Meeting, Champagne Toast Sponsored by Cambridge Associates - Peabody Grand Ballroom

Alyssa Federico, Senior Vice President of Finance, Foundation for the Carolinas
6:00pm - 9:00pm - Dinner at Majestic Grille, sponsored by NPact

Join us for a special evening.  For Monday’s dinner, we will take over the Majestic Grille, a 1940's-style bar and grill housed in a former silent film theatre. Head chef Patrick Reilly is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Memphis cuisine, and he and his wife
Deni take every opportunity to shine the spotlight on authentic local culinary offerings
Open to current FAOG community foundation members only
145 S Main St, Memphis, TN 38103-3615
Phone (901)-522-8555

Website -

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

7:00am - 8:00am Breakfast sponsored by Breckinridge Capital Advisors - Continental Ballroom

8:00am - 8:15am Welcome & Housekeeping - Peabody Grand Ballroom

8:15am - 9:15am Presenting Sponsor, Crewcial Partners - Rejecting Racism & Realizing Returns - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Bert Feuss, Senior Advisor, Community Capital Advisors
Michael Miller, CIO, Crewcial Partners, LLC

Diversification is amongst the central tenets underlying successful long-term investment outcomes.  Significant exposure to diverse managers is an integral component of this approach yet has not historically been appropriately prioritized by the larger endowment and foundation community.  This session will cover specific strategies that community foundations and their advisors can pursue to achieve the win-win scenario of better investment outcomes a more equitable flow of capital through the economy and ultimately to the communities that community foundations serve. This session will also discuss the current market environment and implications for asset allocation and manager selection. CPE Credit Pending

9:15am - 9:30am BREAK

9:30am - 10:45am Racial Equity/DEI Part 1 (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom
Session Lead
Erycka Hunter, Director of Human Resources, Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

Given the variety of discussions taking place across America about racial equity and DEI principles, the terminology, approach and framing of such important topics can be confusing and challenging. Join Valerie Red-Horse Mohl (of Cherokee Indigenous ancestry) as she walks us through an interactive process case study.  The case study will focus on defining and implementing a racial equity/racial justice definition and strategy for Community Foundations.  This session will include framing, illustrating, defining and implementation as well as narrative terminology discussions. CPE Credit Pending.

9:30am - 10:45am Demystifying ESG:  Achieving Mission - Alignment through Portfolio Integration (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Amy Seto, Partner, Endowments and Foundations Senior Advisor, Brown Advisory

George Ferrari, CEO, Community Foundation Of Tomkins County

James Stierhoff, Partner, Portfolio Manager, Brown Advisory 
Larry Witt, Managing Principal and Consultant, Meketa Investment Group
Tiffany McGhee, Founder, CEO & CIO, Pivotal Advisors
Tim Coffin, Director of Sustainability, Breckinridge Capital Advisors

ESG investing, or integrating environmental, social and governance factors into the investment process, used to be considered a thematic investment strategy. Today, integrating ESG into the investment process is increasingly considered yet another component of strong fundamental investment research. Whether you are an novice or an experienced community foundation investing with an ESG and/or mission-aligned lens, this session will help bust up the myths and reveal the truth. CPE Credit Pending.

9:30am - 10:45am Alternatives to Solving Our All - Encompassing Donor Portal Dilemma/ Latest Core System Implementations (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Grace M. Sacerdote, EVP/CFO, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Inc.
Speakers - 
Alternatives to Solving Our All - Encompassing Donor Portal Dilemma 
Josh Kenzer, VP, Systems Integration and Reporting, Arizona Community Foundation 
Speakers - Latest Core Systems Implementations
Ed Padar, Controller, Greater Houston Community Foundation
Kyla Quintero, CFO & COO, Arizona Community Foundation

Is your Donor Portal lacking when it comes to meeting the needs of your donors? Hear from two skilled and experienced IT professionals in our field who are addressing this dilemma at their foundations – Learn how they are able to make data available to their donors through a portal and how donors are using it. CPE Credit Pending.

10:45am - 11:00am BREAK - Refreshments and snacks will be served in the West and North Foyer

11:00am - 12:00pm Racial Equity/DEI Part 2 (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom
Session Lead
Erycka Hunter, Director of Human Resources, Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Session Speaker

Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

Continuation of Racial Equity/DEI Part I

11:00am - 12:00pm Place Based Investing (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Mo Mousa, CFO, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Anthony Gattuso, Director of Investments & Treasury, Cleveland Foundation
Liz Sessler,
 VP of Product and Partnerships, CapShift
Sayer Jones, Consultant, Occam Advisors 

Community foundations are dedicated to improving the lives of people in their own geographic area. A growing wave of community foundations are looking to shift part of their endowments away from Wall Street and into local communities, investing in different sectors:  housing, small business lending, recoverable grants – Loan guarantee pool, economic development…etc. Panelists will discuss different tools available in the tool box to deploy resources in the local community and through a DEI lens, addressing manager diversity, racial equity, and different ways to leveraging and facilitate eco-system change. CPE Credit Pending.

11:00am - 12:00pm Telling a Financial Story - Communicating with the Board (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Leigh Schaefers, Controller, Communities Foundation of Texas
Beth Bull, SVP and CFAO, Communities Foundation of Texas
Brett Hunkins, CFO, Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Kristine Thomas, VP Finance, Communities Foundation of Texas

Still doing those same bar and pie charts on gifts and grants that you’ve done for years?  Sure, you think the trends and implications are obvious, but does the graphic convey that message to your audience?  Data visualization simplifies the way information is presented, highlights relationships between data, and establishes why the information is important. Communities Foundation of Texas has increased the focus on analytics over the last few years, including developing an analytics community of practice and engaging in a curriculum about logic models and data visualization.   These tools were recently used to develop a board presentation on our business model that received rave reviews. Join us as we demonstrate how changing the way data is presented can elevate the message you want to convey. CPE Credit Pending.

12:00pm - 1:00pm LUNCH- Sponsored by Northern Trust - Continental Ballroom

1:00pm - 2:00pm Rethinking The Toolbox: Exploring Finance/Operations/HR’s Role in Advancing Community Leadership (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom
Session Lead
Alyssa Federico, SVP of Finance, Foundation for the Carolinas
Len Bartel, Senior Director of Strategy and Learning, CFLeads
David Rosado, Director, CF Insights
Leslie Sabin, CPA, Vice President Of Finance And Operations, Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Brett Hunkins, CFO, Community Foundations of Greater Flint

Now more than ever, community foundations need to lead change that builds strong, resilient communities where all people can participate and prosper.  They seek long-lasting impact around a variety of community issues: insisting on racial equity, amplifying community voice and influencing public policy & systems. This session will dive into helping organizations assess and implement the core competencies needed to lead in their communities. CPE Credit Pending.

1:00pm - 2:00pm  Making the Allocation to Diverse Managers (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Bert Feuss, 
Senior Advisor, Community Capital Advisors
Cori Trautvetter, Partner, Pavilion, A Mercer Practice 
Erika Seth Davies, Founder, The Racial Equity Asset Lab

Jonathan Brelsford, SVP of Finance and Investments, The Pittsburgh Foundation
Robert Raben, President and Founder, The Raben Group

Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, CFO, East Bay Community Foundation

Community foundations are leading the way to achieve racial and gender parity across the investment industry, including pathways that provide BIPOC and women managers equal opportunity to win business. This facilitated conversation, including case studies from two progressive community foundations, will explore how we can advance commitments to action, build processes that achieve racial equity results, and how to know if an investment is advancing racial equity. Panelists will discuss specific policies, organizational practices, metrics, and cultural norms that need to change and be redefined to make real headway in dismantling racial and gender inequity throughout the investment process; power dynamics and narrative usage that can help or hinder the way we think about equity in investments; how risk and fiduciary responsibility are viewed and defined; and how to achieve a quadruple bottom line of 1) manager diversity, 2) alignment of capital with mission including racial equity, ESG, sustainability and impact, 3) community placed-based investment where possible, and 4) competitive financial returns. CPE Credit Pending.

1:00pm - 2:00pm What's New in the World of FASB: Accounting and Auditing Update (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Leigh Schaefers, Controller, Communities Foundation of Texas
Laura Roos, Partner, Moss Adams LLP
Liz Dollar, Partner, Moss Adams LLP

This session will address critical changes to auditing and accounting standards and their potential impacts on not-for-profit organizations. It will discuss updates from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the AICPA, and other key topics. CPE Credit Pending.

2:00pm - 2:30pm BREAK

2:30pm - 3:30pm Legislative and Legal Updates - A Landscape More Complex Than Ever (HR/Leadership, Invst, & Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Amy Seto, Partner, Partner, Endowments and Foundations Senior Advisor, Brown Advisory

Bob Waldman, Partner and Co-Chair of Business Division, Venable, LLP

Community foundations across the country are stepping up to lead positive change through advocacy and participation in the legislative process.  At the same time, there is a continuing call for greater regulation, on both the legislative and legal fronts, of donor advised funds. A new administration’s tax policy could have significant impact on charitable giving in general, and DAF’s in particular. Hear from Bob Waldman, counsel to many community foundations, private foundations, nonprofit organizations and international philanthropies on the rules for navigating through an increasingly complex legislative and legal landscape along with possible legislation that may impact charitable organizations. CPE Credit Pending.
3:30pm - 4:00pm BREAK - Refreshments and snacks will be served in the West and North Foyer

4:00pm - 5:00pm Impact Investing Roundtables (All Tracks - Option 1) - Ballroom E & D
Melanie Audette, SVP, Mission Investors Exchange

Bert Feuss, Senior Advisor, Community Capital Advisors

Open forum discussion among FAOG members and impact investing ecosystem builders to share progress, challenges and needs. The purpose of this roundtable discussion is to provide a forum for FAOG members to share their progress, challenges and needs with regard to implementing and maintaining impact investing efforts.  It is ideal for those who have impact investing programs or who are actively planning programs.  Service providers specifically focused on impact investing are invited to be in the audience to hear updates and the needs of community foundations. Not Eligible for CPE Credit.

4:00pm - 5:00pm Tech Users Roundtables (All Tracks - Option 2) - Peabody Grand Ballroom

Ever wonder how your fellow community foundation colleagues accomplish something with the same core software system you have?  Do they have additional technology add-ons they use to gain efficiency?  This is your opportunity to find out!  Bring all your “how do you” questions and gather information from other foundations. Not Eligible for CPE Credit.
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Cocktails and Hors D'oeures at BB Kings sponsored by Mason Investment Advisory Services, Inc.
Tonight you will get a chance to enjoy Beale Street, the music and entertainment pulse of downtown Memphis. Our event will be held
at the iconic and original B.B. King's Blues Club. This night will be different as you can stop by for a drink, heavy appetizer and
some live music and then go on to enjoy the
BB King's Blues Club, Memphis | Memphis, Memphis tennessee, Bb king rest of the evening on Beale Street.  You don't want to miss it, two hours only from 6pm-8pm
Open to current FAOG community foundation members only

143 Beale St, Memphis, TN
Phone (210) 973-6050

Website - www.bbkings/
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 7:00am - 8:00am Breakfast sponsored by Give Interactive - Continental Ballroom

8:00am - 8:15am Welcome & Housekeeping - Peabody Grand Ballroom

8:15am - 9:15am Retirement Plans: 2020 FAOG Survey, Best Practices & Responsible Investing (HR/Leadership/Investments) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Bert Feuss, 
Senior Advisor, Community Capital Advisors
Michael Grimme, Managing Partner, ClearPoint Financial Partners
Darrin Yappen, Regional Director, OneAmerica Retirement Services

This session is designed for community foundation finance, HR and investment officers, administrators or others overseeing their organization’s retirement plan. The session will provide a robust discussion on defined contribution plan design (401k, 403b, 457 and other) to fit your organization’s mission, size and unique needs. The content is informed by the 2020 FAOG member benchmarking survey on retirement plan use, oversight, and design. Participants will gain clarity on retirement plan options used by peers, fiduciary oversight best practices, costs and trends including use of ESG investment and target date options. Participants will leave knowing how to create a plan that helps more employees reach their retirement goals, identify and lower hidden fees, implement fiduciary oversight best-practices and steps for integrating ESG focused investment options into their plans. CPE Credit Pending.

8:15am - 9:15am Operational Best Practices (Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Dick Myers, President, Foundation Information Systems

Terri Johnson, Consultant, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
Jim McCallum, CFO, Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Ed Padar, Controller, Greater Houston Community Foundation

Attendees will be introduced to the FAOG initiative to provide a repository for best practices as opposed to exchanging a string of Discussion Posts.  A interactive discussion with the session audience to elicit topics they would like FAOG to prepare and publish key functional best practices documentation.  The topics will be derived from a survey prior to the conference as well as a presentation of introduction of proposed standards for community foundation fund coding and Master Chart of Accounts Template.  Additional topics will address challenges with decentralized operations and coping with remote work environments and adopting standards for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Where possible, mini case studies will be prepared by presenters or attendees on specific take away topics. CPE Credit Pending.

9:15am - 9:30am BREAK

9:30am - 10:45am Coaching for Success (HR/Leadership) - Venetian Ballroom

Session Lead
Erycka Hunter, Director of Human Resources, Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Kathleen Boyle Dalen, Chief Talent, Integration and Culture Officer, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Many community foundations have implemented coaching programs with great success.  They recognized that coaching is one strategy for creating respectful cultures and building effective organizations. Join your colleagues to learn both from experts in the field and community foundation representatives who have first hand knowledge using coaching at their community foundations.  This session will also include an open discussion where all participants will be invited to ask questions and share ideas. CPE Credit Pending.

9:30am - 10:45am Impact Investing from Donor Advised Funds:  Administration Options & Outsourcing (Investments) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Laura Kernaghan, Senior Director of Investments, The Chicago Community Trust
Jackie Khor, VP Social Investment, Social Finance
James Cutler, Senior Investment Officer, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Liz Sessler, VP of Product and Partnerships, CapShift
Sally Boulter, Senior Engagement Officer, ImpactAssets
Julie Smith-Bartoloni, Senior Director of Donor Relations, Boston Foundation 

This session will feature case-studies to highlight different approaches and vendor partnerships used by community foundations to offer impact investment options to donors with donor advised funds. CPE Credit Pending.

9:30am - 10:45am Technology Trends: Evaluating Core System Options (Finance/Ops) - Ballroom E & D
Session Lead
Cheryl Olsen, Director, Solution Strategist, Clark Nuber PS
Luis Leon, CFO, Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Mo Mousa, CFO, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
Dick Myers, President, Foundation Information Systems

Over 200 community foundations struggle with a static and aging fund accounting platform and face the daunting prospects of converting to new software.  These presenters will describe how they prepared their foundations for a successful transition, including:          

• Project planning (internal/external resources, integration schedule, overall budget)
• Business process review
• Vendor analysis
• Software integration requirements (donor portal, CRM, grants, scholarships, investments)
• Data cleanup and standardization
• Technology infrastructure modifications
• Internal and external communications
• DEI vendor considerations

CPE Credit Pending.

10:45am - 11:00am BREAK - Box lunches will be available

11:00am - 12:00pm Investment Data Aggregation: Streamlining Accounting, Oversight and Reporting (HR/Leadership, Investments & Finance/Ops) - Peabody Grand Ballroom
Session Lead
Erin Broderick, Senior Finance Manager, The Community Foundation of Northeast Florida

Laura Kernaghan, Senior Director of Investments, The Chicago Community Trust
Patty Mastel, Director of Finance and Operations/CFO, Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation
Tyler Dahl, Enterprise Account Executive, Clearwater Analytics

Community foundations managing multiple portfolios, holding illiquid donated assets, or offering separately managed donor advised funds need an automated scalable solution to streamline investment account data collection and reconciliation, generate audit deliverables and financial statements, monitor investment performance and policy compliance, and support transparent reporting to their investment committees and boards. Thankfully, a variety of software and outsourced vendor solutions have come to market over the years and continue to evolve to meet the unique needs of community foundations.  Panelists will discuss different solution options and their experience with implementationCPE Credit Pending.

12:00pm - Conference Adjourned - Box lunches will be available